Sunday, November 6, 2011

Paper Crafts Festival

Well here I am in Penrith McDonald's blogging the latest adventure.

The ladies and I have just spent the day meandering around the Paper Crafts Festival.

I shopped up a storm and the ladies were really well behaved. It's so exciting for me now to be able to take them with me and have them enjoy the day out. Of course they would rather be at the park or the beach... But really I couldn't be happier with their wonderful manners and thoughtful questions.

Anyway, I saw Sherry and the awesome Twiddleybits team. Their stuff just blows me away every year. I got to drop into Fred The Needle and say hi to Gilly who is such a talented sweet pea. Running into the Singleton scrappers at Fred was too funny. Anyway girls are tired and I should be getting this circus on the road! Claire likes to travel under a beach towel. I think it helps prevent car sickness. Beep Beep!

1 comment:

skrapkatz said...

It was even more funny to run into your mum at the paper craft festival, and have her ask is Lib with you ? to which I replied isn't she with you LOL


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